Why subscribe to the Mental Case?

The Mental Case is the biweekly newsletter of the Alliance of Mental Health Providers of Oklahoma. We’re here to build the case for more investment in mental health and substance abuse treatment services for the wonderful citizens of our beautiful state. Sadly, things are getting worse, not better. Life is so hard, isn’t it? Oklahomans are hurting and need more help. We can and will make a difference with your advocacy and support.

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Stay up-to-date

The Mental Case will be distributed biweekly and will feature news, information, and studies, etc., regarding mental health and substance abuse issues impacting our state and nation. Occasionally, you might receive a bonus newsletter when something big happens and we want you to know about it.

Join Mental Health Advocates

Be part of a community of people who share your concerns about Oklahoma’s mental health and substance abuse problems.

To find out more about the Alliance, visit the ABOUT page on our website.

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Subscribe to Mended | Alliance of Mental Health Providers of OK

Oklahoma is top 5 in the nation for a high prevalence of mental illness and low access to care. We're here to make the case for more investment in mental health and substance abuse treatment services. We're here to see that things get mended.